Hourglass Comp 2006 a.k.a. 3rd Three Hour Comp 2006. Organised by Woodfish The Hourglass Competition, a.k.a. the 3rd Three Hour Games Competition, is a minicomp for new ADRIFT games written in three hours or less. Original voting deadline: 26th August 2006 and was extended to 31st August 2006. Announcement - http://forum.adrift.co/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3101&hilit=three+hour Winners - TBA Results: 1) The Long Barrow (Christy Henshaw as C. Henshaw). 2) Quest for Food (Lumin). 3) Herr Doktor von Nördlingendinkelsbühlhündchen-am-Rhein (Mad Monk). 3) 3 Minutes to Live (Ren). 5) Smote (Robert Street). 6) Dancing Even Him? (Richard Otter). 7) Boiled Eggs (Anna Fruen). 8) Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure (David Whyld). 9) Rolling the Dough (Richard Otter). 10) The Road Leads to Nowhere (The Dominant Species a.k.a. TDS). 11) Over the Edge (Ren). 12) The Skydiver (Fenris a.k.a. The Fenris Wolf). 13) Pilfers (Daniel Budle). ==RULES== - Games must be made in three hours or less, this is the challenge and focus of the competition. Brief paper/mental planning is allowed, but the game making itself must be done in three hours. - Entries must be made with ADRIFT v3.9 or ADRIFT v4. - Games must be original work. - A limit of three entries per author. - All entries to be sent to [email]woodfish5@gmail.com.[/email] - The deadline for entries is the 7th August 2006. - Any problems or questions, ask away in this thread or email me at the above address. ... plus, this time the competition has the added bonus of a mystery prize and certificate for the winner (provided they're in the UK)!